Monthly Archives: September 2011

Beauty & “The Bump”

It’s not hard to take stunning photos of a mother-to-be when she’s as charismatic and photogenic as the lovely Ms. Gwen (not that I’d ever be so bold as to say my photos are stunning, rather that she is).  She’s also a planner, so when you put the two of us together for a morning of snapsnapsnap, you’re in for a morning of epic efficiency.  I had the spot and some ideas for posing, she had the wardrobe and more ideas for posing – we were in and out in an hour with 98 images I love.

Gwen has been a “victim” of my photography for a number of years, and as lame as it sounds to say I was stupid excited to part of this new chapter of her journey…I was.  Am.  Continue to be.

She’s one of those spirits that you come across a handful of times in your life if you’re lucky -  who makes you snort laugh, who encourages you to dream, and who lives with seemingly boundless enthusiasm. I am thankful for her, and envious of her child and the magnificent childhood he/she is in store for.

Please join me in celebrating Ms. Gwen, her man, and their growing Sagittarius bump by enjoying a handful of images from of our magical woodland themed morning by the river.


Baby Levi » Shooting Nouns - April 12, 2012 - 11:59 pm

[…] few months back, I took photos of Gwen and her lovely belly.  I’ve been busy since then with an arrival of our own, so I’ve barely lifted the […]

merrilee peterson - September 26, 2011 - 6:36 pm

Well, Gwen you make a beautiful mother-to-be!!!! Looking forward to your mom’s announcement that she a grandmother of a ___!!!!!!

I am afraid I have had to retire from the “wet nurse” business, but if you need any referrals I can help you out!

Best of luck and blessings, Your mom’s “hippy” friend

We All

One of the the single most brilliantly enjoyable aspects to shooting for pleasure (and a bit of profit, who am I kidding?) is the ability to be choosy about who or what I shoot, and when.  A few months ago I was approached by a member of the local band We All to take some promotional photos, and accepted with pleasure.  They provided me with creative license, and very few restraints (no brick walls, for example, because 8 out of 10 bands do that “look”) so how could I say no? More importantly, what the heck were we going to do?

Having been introduced to this delicious spot on a river in the Atlanta area just weeks prior, I had my where and when…and as usual I had it at dawn, because I will never like using flash and I will always strive to use that magical first light.

So the boys trucked it out to the river in the dark, where my great friend and delightful assistant Paulie and I lead them through the chilled waters and to their places on the rocks in the middle of the river. One flip flop was lost in the crossing of the rocky waters, for which we all mourned.  A small price to pay for this kind of magic…though maybe not if you ask Nathan.

As you can tell in the images, I wasn’t wrong about taking this gig.  These guys were a hoot to work with, and if their musical pursuits ever fall through they’d make a fine living as a comedy troupe.



Keep an eye on their to-be-built site here for updates about their pending CD release, upcoming shows and of course – my images.  You should also probably “like” them on facebook, as well.


Charis - October 5, 2011 - 8:16 pm

If I had a muse (and I don’t, because that would imply a certain level of committment I am not ready for), you would be IT. Well, you already are IT, but you know what I mean :).